Why Hiring an Accountant to File a Tax Return Has Significant Benefits

Hiring an accountant for filing a tax return can offer several significant benefits, which can be especially beneficial depending on the complexity of your financial situation.
why hire an accountant important

Hiring an accountant for filing a tax return can offer several significant benefits, which can be especially beneficial depending on the complexity of your financial situation. At tax Link we can help you maximise these benefits.

Tax Return Deadline

Revenue have announced that for those that use Revenue Online Services (ROS) the pay & file deadline has been extended to Thursday 14 November 2024.

You must file tax return on or before this date for tax year 2023 and pay tax balance for 2023 and preliminary tax for 2024. 

Do You need to file Tax Return

Anyone who has income other than employment income (salary) need to file tax return.

Below are some reasons that you may need to file tax return:

  • If you are self-employed or a partner in a partnership
  • If you are a freelancer, contractor or RCT contractor
  • You are a company director
  • Renting a property
  • Investment income – Saving income, share dividends etc
  • If you have bought/received or sold shares
  • If you have income from overseas (foreign pensions, rental property abroad).

Capital Gain Tax

If you have sole property, share or any other assets then you will be charged Capital Gains Tax (CGT) in respect of gains made from selling, of these assets.  We can help with your CGT return.

Reasons to use Tax Link to file your tax return

1). Expertise and Knowledge:

  • Complex Tax Laws: Tax laws are complex and constantly changing. At Tax Link we are trained to stay updated on the latest tax codes, ensuring compliance and maximizing potential deductions and credits.
  • Expertise – We can provide specialized knowledge for different industries, helping tailor tax strategies to your specific business or personal situation.

2).  Time Savings:

  • Efficiency: Preparing a tax return can be time-consuming, especially if you have a complex financial situation. Let us handle the entire process efficiently, freeing up your time for other priorities.
  • Accurate Record Keeping: We ensure all documents are in order, reducing the time spent gathering and organizing paperwork.

3). Tax Planning and Strategy:

Tax Optimization: We can provide advice on tax-saving strategies throughout the year, not just during tax season. This can include retirement planning, investment strategies, and other financial planning services.

Future Planning: We can help you plan for future tax years, ensuring you take advantage of long-term tax-saving opportunities.

4). Stress Reduction:

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that a professional is handling your taxes can reduce stress and give you peace of mind that your return is accurate and compliant with all tax laws.

If you need assistance filing your income tax return, inheritance tax return or capital gain tax return you can call us on 01 211 8400 or Contact us

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